Store Ability

Aspect: General
Base Difficulty: 3
Catalyst Required: None
May Be Extended: false
Base Duration: Times Ever
Casting Time: 5
Target Type: Item [Any], Body
Scroll Type: enchantment
NPC Only Ritual: false
Role Play Only: false

The Store Ability Ritual allows the Ritual Caster to absorb a Skill into a Target Item or Body, as a once ever charge. The Skill must be expended and subsequently absorbed into the Target by a character possessing an unused charge of that Skill while touching the Ritual Target and stating the Skill name within the Circle of Power. This expends the Skill as if it had been used for that Logistics Period. To use a skill that has been stored the wielder must have a weapon in hand and the necessary skill to use that weapon (if applicable to the stored skill).

At the time of casting if the Skill has an Effect, the Caster has the option to allow that Effect to also be absorbed into the Ritual Target. If an Effect is listed on the enchanted item tag, then that Effect must manifest with the Skill when the Ritual Effect is activated. If no Effect is listed. then the Effect is assumed to be "Normal" and the bearer may apply any additional Effects or spells. No additional ritual effects, skill abilities, enchanted items, spells, or effects can change the damage or damage type if it is already present in the Target.

If an attack is used that has some other prerequisite (such as Repel Strike needing a two-handed weapon), that prerequisite must still be fulfilled to use the skill from a Store Ability ritual.

You can store 1 Charge of a Skill from the list below:
Sleep/Paralysis Blow, Silence/Stun Blow, Slow/Weakness Blow, Fear/Pin Blow, Evade, Dodge, Assassinate, Doom Blow, Counteract, Break/Disarm Strike, Sleep/Enfeeble Strike, Weakness/Shun Strike, Destruction/Stun Blow, Repel Strike, Precise Blow, Parry, Riposting Blow, Slay, Eviscerating Blow, Intercept, Resolute, Mettle, Dispelling Strike, Purifying/Draining Strike.

This Ritual requires 2 Reagents to cast as listed on the scroll.


This ritual can not be spellcrafted.