Racial Transformation

Aspect: Earth
Base Difficulty: 5
Catalyst Required: Required
May Be Extended: false
Base Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 10
Target Type: Spirit
Scroll Type: manipulation
NPC Only Ritual: false
Role Play Only: false

The Racial Transformation Ritual alters the Player Race of a Target Spirit into a different chosen Player Race. It will not change the basic appearance of the Target Spirit, except for the specific alterations necessary for the new chosen Race; thus a character whose Player Race changes is still recognizable as the same character.

The Racial Transformation Ritual will cause the person to resurrect as the Transformed race for the rest of the Target's life. A separate Racial Transformation Ritual may later be cast on the Target Spirit to return that character to their prior Player Race or any other Player Race.

Any racial skills of the Target Spirit’s current Player Race are lost and their XP refunded. New racial skills specific to the new Chosen Player Race may be gained in their place depending on the amount of XP refunded to the player.

The target must have enough XP to have a valid character after any adjustments are made for lost racial skills and changes to skill costs, without losing any of their skills, otherwise the Ritual will fail.

This Ritual may not be released as an LCO Ritual or effect.

This Ritual requires 5 Reagents and a Catalyst to cast as listed on the scroll.


This ritual can not be spellcrafted.