Preserve Duration

Aspect: General
Base Difficulty: 5
Catalyst Required: None
May Be Extended: false
Base Duration: 100 Logistics Periods
Casting Time: 5
Target Type: Item [Any], Spirit, Body, Location
Scroll Type: extension
NPC Only Ritual: false
Role Play Only: false

The Preserve Duration Ritual increases the duration of any extendable Enchantment Ritual Magic in the ritual batch of a Ritual Target to 100 Logistics periods.

This Ritual may be cast over a Boost Duration Ritual as described on that scroll. The Boost Duration is replaced by the Preserve Duration for the purposes of the number of Rituals upon an item and does not count for determining the difficulty of the Preserve Duration.

This Ritual requires a minimum of 4 Reagents to cast. Any additional Reagents required by the Ritual should be of the same types as listed on the Ritual scroll.


This ritual can not be spellcrafted.