Planar Sanctum

Aspect: Celestial
Base Difficulty: 7
Catalyst Required: None
May Be Extended: false
Base Duration: 20 Logistics Periods
Casting Time: 5
Target Type: Location
Scroll Type: enchantment
NPC Only Ritual: false
Role Play Only: false

The Planar Sanctum Ritual enchants a Target Location, either a room, building, or Circle of Power, preventing Elementals and Extraplanar creatures from entering or being brought into the Target Location in physical form (this includes non-corporeal beings, but not Spirits). Any Elemental or Extraplanar creature within the Target Location upon successful casting must immediately leave to the best of their ability and can not use any game abilities until they are out.

The Planar Sanctum Effect must be clearly marked on all portals with an "S." If the Target Location is a Circle of Power, the "S" must be clearly displayed within the Targeted Circle, must be clearly indicated on the Marshal notes, and cannot be covered by any means. This Ritual may only be cast upon an unmovable structure, such as a building, tent, or immovable wagon, with minimum dimensions of 1 Game Room and maximum dimensions of 10 Game Rooms, or upon a single Circle of Power.

This Ritual requires 4 Reagents to cast as listed on the scroll.


This ritual can not be spellcrafted.